Who will be the recipient of the first Rita Houston Spirit of NON-COMM Award?
By Paul Marszalek
The Virtual NON-COMMvention is upon us and we have a simple ask: If you have not already, please take a few minutes to make sure you can sign into the convention site.
This is important:
While the site can be found at noncomm.xpn.org, simply going to the site will not get you access to the sessions and performances. You will need to sign in, create a password and a profile.
When you registered through Eventbright, you should have automatically received a reply email from “The NON-COMMvention Team.” That email has a link that will allow you to create a password and profile. If you haven’t already done this, start searching for that email – it may well be in you clutter or junk folders.
The XPN crew will not be in a very good position to do IT support once the event begins. So please do this now.
Rita Houston Salute
In much more exciting news, The NON-COMMvention is pleased to announce the creation of the Rita Houston Spirit of NON-COMM Award in salute to the late WFUV/New York radio icon.
The award’s first recipient will be announced prior to The Music Meeting session on Thursday.
Complete details on sessions, artist performances, schedule and registration can be found by navigating from the tabs at the top of this page.
Take some time in advance to work out any bugs so you can enjoy the Virtual NON-COMMvention with us all.