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Submit Your Ideas For The Top 22 of 2020

Each January we recognize some of the biggest news stories, acts of greatness, and hand out kudos to folks on the radio and music industry side for general jobs well done. Help us compile that list!

TheTop22.comBy Paul Marszalek

2020 was spectacularly brutal – and it’s still not over. While we could easily put together a Top 22 of 2020 of the bad stuff, we’re going to try to avoid that — and we need your help in doing so.

Each year, we count down a sometimes flawed, but earnest attempt to recognize some of the biggest news stories, events, and accomplishments on the radio and music industry side.

Already we have a number of “nominees,” but your input would make it considerably better.

If you have a moment, reach out with your ideas — perhaps it was the promotion of a peer, someone on the label side who broke a lot of new music, or an idea that helped get our audiences through the pandemic.

If you have ideas, please reach out. You can either use the “Leave a Reply” box below (your comment will go into a moderation queue and will not automatically publish – but we’ll see it), or simply reach out via email: paul (at)


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