Friday , July 26 2024
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PRPD 2021 Kicks Off

“REdefining Public Media” is the theme, and it’s not too late to join in…

The Public Radio Program Directors Association (PRPD) kicked off today; the organization’s second consecutive virtual event.

The conference runs through Wednesday, featuring a total of 19 sessions focused on the changing definition of public media – from the changing audience makeup, to diversity and inclusion in the workplace, to what content needs to sound (and look) like.

Worth the price of admission alone was Monday’s session entitled “Defining Your Organizational Identity,” in which KEXP Chief Content Officer Kevin Cole and CEO and Executive Director Tom Mara shared the station’s deep dive into exactly what KEXP “is.”

As early streaming and experiments with video took off, clearly KEXP could no longer be described as a radio station. Especially not today, with 2.5 million YouTube subscribers and 1.3 billion total views.

The analysis even helped the station design the new facility that it took occupancy of 2016.

Clockwise from left: KEXP’s Tom Mara, PRPD’s Abby Goldstein, WBGO’s Steve Williams, WRTI’s Bill Johnson, and KEXP’s Kevin Cole.

It’s not too late to join in and catch up – all sessions will be recorded and available on-demand. PRPD members can get group rates as low as $125 per person. Non-members are invited to attend at a rate of $250 per person.



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